Wednesday, July 22, 2015

                                                          The PLUTO EFFECT:

            Death, Resurrection, Sexuality, Secrets Revealed, Power, Evolution, Enlightenment

How will we be impacted?

'Behind every mystery exists a technology.  We have only to discover it.'
 [Master Khaleghl Quinn, from CHI KUNG Reclaim Your Power, THE SECRET ART OF MAXIMIZING YOUR POTENTIAL; HarperCollins Publishers, 1991, London.]

In light of the recently celebrated astronomical event - an up close and personal view of the dwarf planet, Pluto, by the New Horizon Spacecraft Pluto, those of us who read energy are aware that this signals a greater awareness and indeed, an integration, of the gifts Pluto represents.  We are in the midst of great transformation as we dramatically turn the corner of our evolution .  In fact, Pluto is the unrivaled symbol of transformation.  Nothing will be the same other than love and our deepest connection with our souls and the cosmos (which will only become more necessary and will deepen). Corruption on every level will be purged. Cooperation amongst nations will increase.

                                              Quantum Leaps

 Quantum leaps in discoveries will issue forth in ways that will change our perceptions of life and consciousness itself...  It will now become possible for our awareness to perceive super terrestrial beings that have always been in our midst and ... a new earth-like planet?

One of the major exclamations about Pluto and its landscape is that it is complex is its value and energetic meaning that I will be sharing downloads on the topic for the next several months.  Pluto has to do with all types of secrets being revealed including ones that may have been out of our scope for thousands of years.  These secrets are and will continue to be revealed.  Earth's true history, the depth of our ancestry, healing powers, the way we relate to the earth and nature, and a new version of enlightenment will become new foundations uoon which we stand.  Already our relationship to our planet, its creatures [check out James Patterson's Zoo for an interesting perspective], and the environment is being highlighted by the Pope. Climactic change is increasingly evident. Issues that have thrived on secrecy and shame such as sexual abuse of children [see Jada Pinkett Smith's activism on the subject and James Rhodes new book, Instrumental], gender authenticity - [witness Caitlyn Jenner], female genital mutilation in "civilized cultures [in the U.K.],"and slavery such as human trafficking [in the U.S. and all over the world] are being brought out into the open. The way we treat women, children and elders will be telescoped as a measure of how evolved we are. The foundations of governent we have relied have been under reconstruction since 2008 and will continue to be until 2023.  Healing can only happen when the disease is brought to light.

                               The Lighter Side of Pluto's Effect

If this raises an alarm of armageddon, it is not intended to.  Rest assured, the armageddon is between the petty limiting controlling ego-self and the Greater Self - the Self that is open to truth and ever-evolving possibilities...that bit of the Divine that is within each one of us.

There is a lighter side to Pluto as its consciousness within each of us has the power to purge us of our social ills and lead us to blossom, like the exquisite lotus, out of the obscurity of the mud into enlightenment of our better capabilities as human beings.  Pluto consciousness has its transformative design for each of us.  What was once relegated only to God and Jesus such as the secret to the continuum of life - resurrection - and healing will be revealed.  After all, Jesus did say that all that I have done, you can do, and more.... We tend to ignore this challenge, this shocking charge he gave us along with the other one: "love others as I have loved you" ... very powerful teachings - keys to our evolution.  

More on these subjects and more in due time.  Suffice it to say that it is of utmost importance to cultivate inner peace so that we do not live in a state of fear and resistance.  Pluto has no tolerance for what no longer serves us. 

 I offer a gift, a free Guided Kundalini Meditation on the 'Products' page of my website. as a tool for personal alignment. With daily practice it will be a soothing balm in the midst of this exciting time of great change.

Until next time...Let love be your default.  Go toward the light.  It lives inside you.

                                                                     With Love,  

Next Plutonian Blog subject:
 From Small Things Come Greater Things.


Friday, June 5, 2015

The Value in Cultivating an Environment of Optimism

by Dr. Khaleghl Quinn, Ph.D.


The Buddha describes it perfectly: 
 "All sentient beings will drink from the well of suffering at some point in their life."

In the Four Noble Truths he brings hope to us by saying “There is a way through the suffering.” - Za-zen, or the art of sitting still and breathing.

In this blog, I will address the value of cultivating optimism as both a prevention and a cure to trauma.

Each of us is a magnificent flowing energy system with a beautiful purpose as each of us is a glorious piece of the ever-evolving consciousness we call life.  Energetically, each of us is a river flowing to the greater consciousness we reference as God or Source. True to being individual rivers, when we are in our natural state of well being our energy flows ever - instinctively into our destinations.  When the flow is interrupted our river can either become distorted in such a way that renders us lower functioning or we can find ways to adapt and open new pathways that can enhance our experience along the way to fulfillment.

Having observed literally every member of my biological family stun doctors by returning from traumatic “death” experiences including myself I know how potent the intervening mindset of optimism is when one is at such a critical turning point.  I will be elucidating each of our experiences over time in subsequent articles.

It is known in the medical world that the moment we are traumatized or stressed a variety of hormones are secreted that span the spectrum from adrenalin and cortisol to oxytocin.  Although there are complex developments that can occur within the process of returning to a familiar state of homeostatic experience one can access the power of choosing how one can utilize the traumatic occurrence.  While under such extraordinary stress one can sink into feeling helpless or one can utilize the flow of oxytocin to see the situation as an opportunity for personal growth.  Whereas the cortisol (stress recycling) response can drive us to isolate - which is not usually supportive of healing - oxytocin, (the warm and fuzzy-feeling inducing hormone) on the other hand activates an urge to reach out, to be hugged, to socialize, and to generate value and purpose toward the traumatic event.

One of my favorite philosophers/psychologists, Victor Frankl, author of Man's Search for Meaning, points out a compelling way to utilize intense stress and trauma.  During World War II he tragically lost most of his family in concentration camps in Auschwitz.  Sitting in a prison he channeled his trauma and loss into creating a new branch of psychology he called “Logotherapy" or "purposeful therapy.”  He literally utilized his philosopher to propell himself into his life purpose.  He observed in himself and others that when a why or purpose could be derived from traumatic events closure came quicker, as did healing.

The Tibetan yogis and healers have known about optimism for thousands of years.  They call it the inner smile.  They believe our smiles are our spiritual/neurological tools for healing.  When we smile we are inspired - full of the bigger picture we often call spirituality (the corners of our mouths turn upward in response to the magnetic uplift we experience when inspired), and when we are feeling grounded and content (that bowl of the smile).  It is almost as though the two to one ratio is a code:  Double the focus on uplift to produce the bowl of contentment!

So, it is fair to say, cultivating all activities that bring a smile to your insides and your face is the simplest most strategic way of promoting preventative health, healing, and quite possibly life extension.  

The lotus is a great teacher of Optimism Medicine. It knows so well how to utilize the mud to its advantage.  
I invite you to be the lotus!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lover Know Thyself:
In Matters of Love Are You Venus- or Mars-Oriented
Venus and Mars are the classic references in the ‘laws of attraction’ particularly as far as astro-cosmology or where you fit into the larger scheme is concerned.

Venus symbolizes values.  Mars refers to passion.  Getting in touch with the one that is driving your love interests can save a lot of heartache.  I always say this is a course that would do well in high school when all of those raging hormones abound! 

Zooming in on Venus we find a burning heart love as the ‘force.’  This often shows up as a desire to bring beauty, healing, justice, harmony and peace into the world.  If you know that you think and feel about these qualities most of the time when it comes to expressing your love... you are ruled by Venus.  

Venus-Oriented Lovers are always thinking about relationships. This is because they are endowed with great amounts of of passionate love.  If we think about it, there would need to be this great reservoir in place to bring beauty, justice and peace to the whole world.  The downside comes when Venusians focus, as they inevitably will want to do, on one person (most often people they feel drawn to heal).  They find heaven in the honeymoon stage of the relationship.  However, shortly afterward, the cracks start to appear.  Unless the Venusian is paired with another Venusian or an enduring Mars-oriented mate, Venusian will start to feel trapped in limiting agony or there may even be social embarrassment about the new mate.  All that love cannot find its place in what would feel like stodgy convention when it is designated to ever-expanding art, social justice, beauty, peace and healing. 

A closer look at the Mars-Oriented Lover reveals relentless passion in the loins along with the conscious or unconscious need to render yourself immortal through your progeny.  Conventional relationships rule.  Marriage, 2.5 children and the white picket fence will set you up for life. Seeking all of the practical information that increases your and your family’s survival edge, your status, and your immortality through your bloodline will be most appealing. Fulfillment of your lust would be the first portal to the land of Mars-Oriented fulfillment.   

All of this is not to say that each of us does not possess a bit of both.  The Venus person can have everything, and more, that a conventional relationship can offer.  However, one’s work in the world will have to be the first relationship.  Then a partner who passionately loves you first, for what you have come to bring to the world, rather than for your societally-promoted role can bring you relationship fulfillment. Equally, one who has complimentary work wherein a magnificent symbiosis expands both of you beyond what you could have done alone could be the answer.  Of course, Mars-Oriented Lovers can enjoy beauty and peace. 
 It is the bottom line orientation that will determine your authentic love platform.  Which one defines your love?  Which one gets your passion and heart flowing?  Venus or Mars?  Lover know thyself is a way to bring more harmony into our world.  

There is a way to confirm this in your birth data signature.  I offer a quick reply.  See it under Products on my website:

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Is it Love or a Relationship of Convenience?

Is it Love or a Relationship of Convenience?

With Valentines Day upon us the subject of love is the flavor of the month.  
FREE Practice at end of article.

What is love?  

Granted, it is different things to different people - at least 50 shades!:-) There are chapters on the subject in the holy books and it is the grist of poets. Of course, one might say there are many gradations of love...but is there a such a thing as love that has universal appeal?

Dr. Khaleghl Quinn will be sharing her thoughts and experience on love over the next month.  For now, she lays down the game rules for a healthy friendship along with romantic love that not only raises the heat on the pheromone thermometer but raises energy, joy and spirituality between the lover and the beloved.

The Core Nature of Love:

1.  The roots of love rest within the way one loves oneself.  Whether we are aware of it or not the way(s) we love another reflects the way we love ourselves.  The Golden Rule:  Do unto others as you would have done to you is useful here in reflecting back how one loves oneself.  However, if there is no self awareness in this respect calling upon the practice of the ancient Taoist message to promote awareness could prove quite an eye-opening adventure:  One who knows others is wise.  One who knows oneself is enlightened. [Chapter 33 of the Tao te Ching]

The roots of a relationship of convenience (which I shall now refer to as RC) stem from an agenda, spoken or not...usually undisclosed.

2.   Love starts with an open curiosity about the being of interest. It does not project its fears, expectations and limitations onto the other.  It knows how to distinguish the difference between the person standing in front of them from those from the past...unless one is operating out of a pattern in which the same behavior in the beloved  is showing up to instigate more awareness.  We all have blind spots.  Intention is key.

RC makes assumptions about the being...such as they can get me here or there [you fill in the blank] or give me [you fill in the blank].

3.  Love is a special radar.  It knows how to detect and feel the heart and soul - the very essence - of the other.  Love reflects both ways by shedding its light on both the lover and the beloved’s core essences.

The RC sheds its light only on what it is hoping to acquire.

4.  Love desires to discover and release the stagnant defenses it has carried from previous wounds to offer the beloved its pure unencumbered pure light.

In the RC there is little to no awareness of the baggage that is being brought into the relationship. 

6.  Love is based on respect.

RC is based on what is wanted and needed from the other.

7. Love is enduring.  One does not loose the warm feeling of love or the connection when one does not get one’s way.

RC cuts off, punishes and looks for an exit at the soonest opportunity.

8. Love moves toward in difficult times unless moving away helps the relationship.

RC moves away or cuts off emotional warmth in difficult times.

9.  Love wants to know what organically supports the well being of the other - and as Bertolt Brecht describes - “what makes that being tick?”  What are their standards, their preferences, likes and dislikes?  Love makes this knowledge of the beloved a priority and honors it daily.  

In a RC one or both parties are only interested in getting what they want from the relationship.  The other persons wants ard needs are not heard or valued.

10.   Love receives and gives equally.  It is a fluid exchange in which both people feel nurtured and prioritized.

RC is often based on an attachment to giving or receiving, but not both.  In this RC the need for control is at the helm, not love.  

11.  Love sees the highest most expanded qualities in the other as well as the vulnerabilities.  It is not an either or situation, rather, a both and... If one cannot see these more expanded qualities, due to personal limitations, one remains open to learn about these qualities in the other and is honest about how they can or cannot meet and support the greatness of the other.

RC assumes and projects one’s own preferences onto the being of interest.  There is the desire to pull the other person into one’s fantasies instead of co-discovering a way of life based on both parties’ interests.  In the RC one or both participants are not interested in the other’s preferences.   

12.  Love welcomes and enjoys the adventure of deepening the relationship through its twists and turns.  

RC is attached to maintaining the status quo.

13.  Love is grateful.  Daily gratitude is expressed to the beloved in various ways.  Love acknowledges the helpful actions of the beloved.  Acknowledgement is an indication that one is present with what is happening.

RC ignores, only takes and even acts as though it is their idea.  Rarely is gratitude expressed. 

14.  Love does not stop loving when both parties go separate ways.  It still wishes for the other’s happiness and well being.

RC cuts off when the other person is out of sight.

To conclude: Relationships of convenience may be fun and engaging for a season especially between consenting adults. They may blossom into love.  No judgement.  Knowing the difference puts the choice in your hands. True love is a radiant force that brings out the best in the lover and the beloved - the practical, sensual, erotic, and spiritual.  Like the sun it sheds its warmth and vitality on both consistently.  It is as old, as enduring and as nurturing as water...and now we know that water is older than the sun.  LOVE!


 Dr. Khaleghl Quinn’s Two Tantric Practices
 for deepening love and respect for each other:

1. Sit back to back with as much of both spines touching as is comfortably possible.  Breathe deeply
    for 3 to 20 minutes.  Feel the beautiful child in your partner.

2. Sit back to back with the shoulders touching (see diagram).
    Breathe 3 to 20 minutes.  Feel the exquisite eternal essence of your partner.

Danger:  The more you do these practices the more you will fall in love or you will gain clarity on
                the direction of your relationship.  :-)

                 (For practice # 2):                                                            
These practices are useful preparation for when the two of you (partners of all types) have to do a presentation or performance together.  It will align and coordinate your efforts. Enjoy!